Sunday, 3 August 2008
Sunday, 20 July 2008
You know when ste prime and eddie say "raw doggers" ? I think this is what they mean! this is a powerfull bowl sesh! check this its amazing!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Friday, 20 June 2008
Tuesday, 17 June 2008

p.dean has got his own blog as well!!
well hot photies on there.. (some might say hotter than on his site)
Monday, 16 June 2008
Yes Ya'll the hollabone is fully back on track! Vid coming. HOLLA!!!
purse yer bean
kept this one quite didn't he?
it's up, go look at some pictures and big him up when you see him..
it's up, go look at some pictures and big him up when you see him..
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
the best era
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
My boy powder!
Was gonna hold this till Friday but what the fuck. Keeeeeeeeeeeegoe!!! Know the name.
Monday, 19 May 2008
Sunday, 18 May 2008
This is one my all time best parts ever! check the fifty that accidently goes to fives! BIG! plus check Busta Rymes hes playing in mcr real soon and broke n english are supporting him!
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Friday, 16 May 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
hill bombs galore

The DIY Big Push 19th-20th July.
The rules are simple you can start and finish any time between 12pm on Friday night till 12pm on Sunday. In this time you have to rip through at least two cities and make as hot an edit as you can! Your full team needs to be present at the start of filming and at the end. Anyone sneaking off or chipping in halfway through gets the boot and your whole edit won’t count. All entries must be received by 5pm 23rd July. The entrant’s individual edits will be hosted online at and like the real Big Push you will all cast your votes. Each of the top three finalists will receive a top of the range Sony Cybershot camera and a box of Document goodies, but above all the chance to win in the first DIY, BIG PUSH!
so the BALLS DEEP CREW are entering this. part cos we shred, part in protest to me not being on the actual big push. filmed on jimcam. not sure how im gonna edit it so it'll just have to be a 2 city 20 min long line..
be rate.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Monday, 5 May 2008
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Another one bites the dust!
here's another little edit that didn't make into "Workers and Lurkers" . Yeah Rob Selly!
bonus edit from joe gavin on Vimeo.
bonus edit from joe gavin on Vimeo.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Friday, 18 April 2008
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Gasworks Premiere! TONIGHT!! Get on it!

Just a reminder that the premiere for "The Gasworks" is TONIGHT at around 7.30pm, at the kings arms pub! if you dont know how to get there come to note at 7pm and p.rod and friends will show you the way. Nice one ! P.S When i mentioned a skate film she said to me "it better not be all underage kids skateboarding and getting pissed in my pub" So maybe keep that in mind. I will be doing a "youfs" premiere in the shop too so its all good!
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Buisness at the front Party at the back!
I Fuckin love mullets! Check out some of these creatures. These people really dont care that they are on youtube in a compilation about there fucking haircuts! Love it!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
sean gets down!

We went out and shouted bon jovi all night getting real pissy! then went back all hyped to skate woke up sean at about 5.30am and he was keen to film! we bribed him with new spots and tricks we wanted to do when in reality we were fucked and could hardly stand up.Nice one NANO! CHECK HIM OUT GETTING MELLOW!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
no one checks sidewalk anyway, and i wanted to get this up before note did mah hah!
only cos he does a nose bonk on my board! hurah!
only cos he does a nose bonk on my board! hurah!
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
hillbomb STEEZE
new alien workshop vid is gona be powerful!!
hillbombs, hammmers and hwallrides? CLICK ME FOR THE SHIT
fuck fully flared.

fuck fully flared.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Monday, 31 March 2008
This is a little treat for you guys ! the (never before seen)" JUSTICE TOUR 2005" For me it brings back good memory's of just chillin with my homies! to you it might be shit .......i'l let you decide! Actually fuck that this is straight up the sickest shit ever commited to digital video tape! Featuring Adam leeezy(adam leishman), younge keeezy(kev ealy) , lil d (dunc mccleeezy), joe gavzo, Alex(animal)davis and a special guest......... Cropper the magic don won bail man! ENJOY .....or not ! (this was ment to be an extra on "workers and lurkers" but i couldn't fit it on ,then I forgot about it and then nearly 3 years later here it is! theres more were this came from too.....see you in a week or so!) Allen keys killin it!
skulls on tour barca 2005! from joe gavin on Vimeo.
skulls on tour barca 2005! from joe gavin on Vimeo.
Sunday, 30 March 2008

Ive finally finished my epic documantary "The Gasworks" and will be showing it for the first time on thursday the 17th of april at the kings arms pub (past salford cresent train station ,on the way to salford ) I would really like as many people to come down as possible so get on it! It will be played at 8'oclock so get there for a drink before.To pay for renting costs i'm gonna have to charge £2 on the door or you can get tickets from note or projects. R.I.P THE G!
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Fuckin bastard!

Thursday, 27 March 2008
Mike wright on note!
Wait a sure hes he..... dam yeah hes black I thought they ment that skinny white kid from hebden? Oh well that gangster from new york is sick.... how did they hook that up? would of thought he rode for supreme or summit?
peep the fuck out of this fucking shit! pj dont fuck about!
gonna learn hardflip back tails if it kills me!
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
back on it
Monday, 24 March 2008
kendy does it again
everything you could want in a line.. mongo pushes, mannys, ollie on flat (no varial flip tho)!! holla holla
Sunday, 23 March 2008
THIS is what it's about.. cruising, finding shit to skate, have a little buzz, meet up with your hot bird and take your dog for a walk. sick
also, who doesnt like a switch 3 on flat, in a line?
also, who doesnt like a switch 3 on flat, in a line?
Saturday, 22 March 2008
buy cinch's vid !
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Friday, 14 March 2008
"THE GASWORKS" a film by joe gavin

Ive been quietly working away on my latest little project for some time now its a documentary about legendary mcr spot "The Gasworks" its nearly finished and should be premiered real soon! This is basically the last call for any of you lurkers out there with photos or footage (danny mc court! vic ,jim and anyone else) also if i havent allready interviewed you and you want to be in it please pass by the shop tomorrow (saturday). Maybe your one of the few people who hated the g ? tell me why either way GET ON IT! is it just me who loved that place ? thats what im begining to think! ".......errrr yeah the g was pretty shit really im glad its going..." not naming!
kevs a mosher!
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
anne frank in prague
on the run up to me releasing* the ill fated 'prague zine', i thought i'd post my secret anne frank style diary of the trip. (which was only meant for me to remember what i'd shot and when). if you can't read it then go back to school!

oh and some bits are missing, such as the first night when me, joe, ads and mike went out and got fucked on cocktails..
*releasing will probably mean me putting it on my website..

oh and some bits are missing, such as the first night when me, joe, ads and mike went out and got fucked on cocktails..
*releasing will probably mean me putting it on my website..
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
country boy indeed
A good friend of the key sent us this linky to buy DANIEL CINTRAS new masterpiece EVERYONE.
click to buy on ebay now!!

click to buy on ebay now!!

Friday, 29 February 2008
Thursday, 28 February 2008
this website is dope. LOVE the footage and you should all watch it. yeah danny mccourt!!
love this
love this
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Tribute night for Martin @ The kings arms this Friday
As some of you may or may not know our Bass player and friend Martin passed away last month. We will be holding a night of remembrance, music and booze in his honour this Friday (22nd Feb) at the kings arms, Bloom street, Salford
(map )
There will be a premiere of the new Suzuki Method video "FRIENDLY FIRES (save our city)" and a DJ set from the amazing BLACK PATHS along with projections from the kings arms and general good times!!
Anyone who knew Martin or got to see him play and wishes to stop by for a drink and a chat is more than welcome. The more the merrier. There will be no door fee or anything like that but we will have a little collection that will be donated to the diabetes unit at Hope Hospital. Here's a flyer and we truly hope you can join us in celebrating our friend Martin.
Suzuki Method¤t=Videodays.jpg
Monday, 18 February 2008
Saturday, 9 February 2008
allen key promo from joe gavin on Vimeo.we at allen key are about to drop a massive turd on the skateboard world, your all not ready for the full vid!
Friday, 8 February 2008
Saturday, 2 February 2008
legends never die..
watching Harolds MIXTAPE part got me amped! check this hot edit.
(after credits rap is the best)
(after credits rap is the best)
I fuckin love this part the tune is so good and harold kills it! "i never landed that trick in my life"
Friday, 1 February 2008
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